You will never be “ready” dude.

FULLY ready is a myth. Ready is where you are in a new place that you’ve never been before. That’s the catch-22 of being ready.

You can set up as many of the pieces as possible in your heart and mind, but until you take the ACTION, and experience it, your nervous system will always find it foreign.

Something to stay away from. Something unsafe.

Yeah, You need to change you mindset/heartset, yes…but without stepping into the stream of new, uncomfortable, awkward…

It will always just be an idea. And ideas are useless if not practiced.

🔑 It’s never about it being perfect, or balanced. It’s about how QUICKLY you get into or back to alignment.

It’s about turn around time.

So don’t worry about getting it right the first time, or being “ready”, because if we’re not focused on being perfect, the stakes are so much lower and you get to take action knowing you’re gonna have to change some things as you go.

So you might as well get your hands dirty.

If you keep postponing your dreams there will always be dreams.

When you have the courage to step onto the path of your destiny, you will learn as you go along.

What have you been “getting ready” for?


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