The truth of our beliefs lie in their affect. Our systems process of self reinforcement keeps our system stable and stuck in its current bandwidth range. Negative emotions are fuel for our beliefs, and the siphon off our energy for growing our bandwidth. Thoughts + Emotions = Belief
Emotions make the thoughts feel real.
Our system loves remaining in a state of homeostasis. It’s a way to avoid dying, and she continue moving forward our species. I just rescued a dog in the last week, and watching her adjust is a magical and sometimes lack of sleep inducing process. Every day we go a little further on walks, and she explores our house a little further. But as we go Just a little bit too far past where her system is comfortable, she immediately goes into a fight, flight, or freeze.
Could I have a love for technology from a safe distance? Similar to Cal Newport, where I offer new ways of being in relationship to technology. Where I offer Alternatives, and hold strong boundaries for myself and for my community. And Integris Alternatives, and hold strong boundaries for myself and for my community. And Integris Way of approaching technology use, while still confidently being present in my world around me.