When we get connection to our bodies, overtime we begin to grow a relationship of respect and trust with our bodies.

It begins to give us clearer and clearer signals of what’s true.

Think, if you were trying to hear your basketball coaches recommendations for what the best next move is, would it be better for them to be right next to you whispering in your ear 👂🏼, or 100 feet away, in a busy mall swarmed with tons of yelling people?

In the mall scenario, It would be pretty hard to hear all the ideas and suggestions clearly.


You’d probably second guess those answers that you heard.

Even if you were pretty sure you heard clearly. It would be much easier to hear all the noisy people around them, yelling what THEY think is best for you.

So you’d do your best to use your “logic”. Which may or may not actually be the best for you and your body.

In order to experience more trust…we need to connect to our bodies more. As we do this more often, we get CLARITY of our thinking…

As we build internal Clarity + and over time Certainty + Self-Value…this LEADS to —-> Supportive Boundaries and Agreements.

Keep Moving Forward.


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