“I can’t seem to be accountable…”
You see guys like Gary Vaynerchuck and Grant Cardone, and you think 🤔
“Damn, that’s what it takes to build an empire?
Soul crushing willpower and pushing through constant adversity?”
Of course you can’t follow through…you’re walking around with someone else’s values and ideas of a “successful” lifestyle…
Perhaps “modeling successful people”
I get it worked when you first started on this journey of entrepreneurship, but it’s starting to take its toll on your body and your mind…
right now, you’re muscling it…and it’s getting overwhelming…
And it feels like there’s no way out…
You’re not designed like Gary V and Uncle Grant.
Where is the blueprint for entrepreneurs like you?
Well dude, The answers live inside of you.
You’re kind of rebellious, and don’t like following authority anyways, so building structure around your business and your life like ANYONE else doesn’t make sense…
You didn’t get a “job” for a reason…
So why are you wasting your time trying to be like Grant Cardone or Gary Vaynerchuk?
Quit doing that shit!
The Key 🔑
RHYTHMS: Find your peak creative and productive times and rhythms. Build a schedule and systems around them.
VALUES: Build Goals for your business based on YOUR values. Not anyone else’s.
When you truly value something you look for every opportunity to fill that void.
Dr. John Demartini says, “Values determine your Attention, Retention, and Intention…
Your highest values will lead you to notice things that others may miss, even if you try to point it out.”
So Creative Warrior, look for every opportunity this week to take Aligned Action…Check your Rhythms and your Values… and see how much their matching up to your reality and levels of happiness.
Here’s to you Creative Warrior,