“To Mary’s we will go! To Mary’s we will go! hi-ho-the-dairy-oh, to Mary’s we will go!”

My mom and I would sing this every morning as we drove to my aunt Mary’s house!

As I leapt out of the car with my Bat cape on, dragging Batman’s plastic shoes on the floor, I carried him by the cape!

“The Batman stands alone, the Batman stands alone hi-ho-the-dairy-oh, the Batman stands alone!”

From a young age, I carried my Batman everywhere. As a reminder that my superpowers knew no bounds.

I could move automatic doors open at will with the wave my hand. I would walk by motion censored lights, and with the power of my mind, turn them on. I leapt in a single bound, flying from couch to couch avoiding the lava.

I was so certain that when I grew up I would be a superhero. My destiny was set. To use the powers of my mind and heart, along with the magic in my hands.

Perhaps what I am most proud of, is I have never let that dream die. I live for fun and get to help women and men transform they are consciousness and biology along with their performance. To help them tune into their superpowers.

He may have a few more scuffs after all these years, but Batman still stands alone. As a reminder that dreams and my superpowers will never die, and get to nurture those gifts and give them to the world.

What are your superpowers? What are you world class at?

If you wish to unearth more of that this year shoot me a PM. It’s time to unleash your superhero!


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