Don’t Know How to Slow Down?

You’re meant to feel space throughout your day.

It’s actually the only way to maintain your health while building your wealth.

Otherwise you’ll be an anxious mess anytime you’re not optimizing every second for growth and business expansion.

It’s the only way to keep your energy and mind graceful and easy throughout a day. Where there is a little wiggle room for your humanity.

Most of my clients don’t know how to slow down when they come to me.


Most of us grew up orienting to a PRESSURE to perform rather than for the PLEASURE of doing the thing!! (Thanks Chelsea Silaban for this gem)

So the only way we know how to perform our work is by feeling PRESSURE!

We unconsciously manufacture pressure so we can do our job!

We need to break that cycle and begin to orient our lives towards doing it for the LOVE of what it is we choose to offer to the world.

🔑 Slowing down is about being oriented to your day by creating linear boundaries around our time, while leaving tons of flexibility and freedom within those boundaries.

Your people you work with deserve that. But so do your loved ones…but specifically YOU deserve that.


Replenish Retreat in Dec 6-8 San Diego, CA

Unplug from technology, clients, and your usual high performance schedule. To connect to back to the most important parts of YOU and your mission.

3 days to remember your blueprint (or create one if you don’t have it):

👑 Clarify your Vision.
👑 Reestablish your natural rhythms and cycles.
👑 Regain your clarity, confidence, and consistency.

You’ll walk away with:
👑 A fool-proof system to keep you Performing consistently in your business.
👑 YOUR perfect day mapped out as an entrepreneur based on YOUR blueprint for success.
👑 Principles of Neuroscience for your greatest focus and performance.
👑 Your blueprint for success based on your physiology and strengths. (ULT)

11 spots left. Early Bird Pricing through Nov. 1st. Shoot me a PM

Here’s me after my “Declutter Hour” this morning! Pure Joy…


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