Why do we go elsewhere when things are working?
My mind skips to “This is working, how can I make it even better? This is good, but I know there’s even MORE!”
With so much choice, you can find another person or system that builds on this last one, so the thinking goes.
Some things in life are simple. Especially the timeless things.
You self sabotage by making them more and more complex, to the point where they can’t consistently yield results or happiness…when the simple, first one was doing just fine…
“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” so the saying goes. We deny that thinking, saying, I know there’s better out there…searching for the answer, without ever coming home to gratitude for what’s there already.
We’re trapped in a forever state of future happiness.
I need the next rush of experience and newness.
The problem is we think we’re chasing the “better”, but we’re just chasing the newness.
We’re terrified about this thing being the thing. Because that would mean I wouldn’t have to keep searching.
I see this all the time with clients. They “need” the next thing before they’ve integrated the last.
We’re a society of “jack of trades, but master of none” because we crave the addiction of new.
You’re made to find the thing, and nourish and enrich it, because with perseverance, there’s a beauty in not returning it to the store, but watching it bloom into its fullest potential. Into YOUR fullest potential.
Here’s to your perseverance and fullest potential Creative Warrior,