When you go into a deep squat, you need to make sure your knees are properly aligned, you drop your hips back and down, and keep your chest up, etc in order to have a SAFE, successful, and enjoyable squat.
The Genesis of How Something is Started, is How it MUST be Sustained.
Why do we think our businesses are any different? The energy we start any project with is the energy we need to sustain the project in it’s current form.
So if you’ve built a business or a project from mania, or anxiety, or overwhelm, that’s the fuel needed to sustain the thing going into the future. Your team and customers/clients can feel it unconsciously.
Same goes for relationships.
That is why INTENTION and Sustainability need to be thought about at the BEGINNING, foundational planning phase of everything we create in the world.
If it’s just for a “cash grab” it’s not going to help do anything BUT that, until you break down that thing and start over, maybe with some of the pieces, but the very foundation MUST be built on IMPACT or peace or whatever else you want to propagate into the world.
My mentor Elena Brower always says, “The thing you share most with others is your state of being”
Maybe you’ve heard the word Ethos. “the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.” …I’d add in what is CREATED from those beliefs and aspirations.
When we simplify and declutter, we can be even more intentional about our foundational creation phases for what we’re creating.
Here’s to your creations being built with IMPACT as a foundational Ethos!