I Guilt Myself Into Productivity

“The day was wasted…”

I said at the end of the day…most days of my 20’s

I’ve also said that “Resting is laziness.”

My shaming/guilting mind COLLIDE with my actions that don’t ever seem to live up to my ambiguous, unrealistic standards…

Leaving me feeling stuck and angry.

Why can’t I just DO the work…?


Why can’t I just let myself rest awhile?

That stuff was passed down. To you, to me.

A multi-generational transmission that goes, “If you’re not productive, you’ll “get behind” and certain death is around the corner.

Or: If you rest and rejuvenate —> you won’t be making a “living” 💵 —> you will be homeless.

So to combat that fear of homelessness…I jump into, “There’s just one more thing to do, then I’ll focus on myself to rest, review and rejuvenate”…

The problem is: There will always be “one thing”.

It’s impossible to “complete” my vision for my empire today….There will always be one more thing.

So you COULD KEEP do all those things to try and plow through everything you can today.

BUT that thinking is flawed. If you paused to get grounded and rested, you’d do those things faster and at a much higher quality. And be able to last much longer.

It’s not enough enough anymore to simply “do it” in entrepreneurship. We can hire out on Fiverr to simply get things done.

Now, being an entrepreneur is about Embodied Quality.

Creating REAL, felt experiences for your clients.

So at the end of the day, to create Embodied Quality,

The OLD Question would be:

“Am I on track?”

The NEW Better Question to ask is:

“Did I fully express the energy I had in my work and relationships today?”

Trying to Optimize TIME rather than your energy pulls from your enjoyment of everything.

Our NEW goal 🥅 is:

Fully Expressed > Productive.

We want to tracking the body, rather than just tracking by what our mind creates as productivity. You can never win that game.

I have 3 spots left in my 1-on-1 coaching for this year.

If you’re ready for living a life of fully expressed, and full Embodied as an entrepreneur, shoot me a DM.


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