I crave Quality.

And not the kind of quality that is stressful to create…”blood, sweat and tears” kinda shit. I’m not interested in that.

We’re talking REAL Quality, because it’s channeled. It’s Connected.

Where you don’t have to use ALL WILLPOWER to get it over the finish line.

I’m choosing to center my life and time around this kind of Quality.

Quality that comes from a real place. That’s soulful. That God has a hand in. That I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting.

Where I’m patient, and listening for what’s next. Where I can feel how real it is in my body. That connects me deeper to myself.

Not something I need to think about.

It’s just there. In my body. Because, again, it’s real.

It’s building High Quality Relationships and friendships. Having dinner parties with crisp table cloths and candles, on long tables, with lots and lots of laughter, smiles, and mouth watering food.

Lots of planned and unplanned Silence and stillness.

More time spent on the floor. Rolling. Moving. Taking on interesting shapes in my physiology. Taking on new perspectives by changing my body, rather than downloading the next recommended book from audible and listening to someone else tell me how to live my life.

This won’t be for everyone. In fact, it probably won’t work for all of you.

Especially if you’re hell bent on “hustling” and “grinding”, and generally feeling like you can’t relax or have a happy relationship until you’ve created millions…I’m not interested in talking to you anymore.

I want to talk to you if you have money, or know how to make it….but…

What you crave is space. Space to create. Space to find more meaning and purpose. Space for meaningful connections. Space for …YOU to come through.

If you’re craving more of this, I’m opening a beta program for 4 people. (It’s gonna be less than half of what I normally charge for my work.) To Create QUALITY from the inside out and the outside in.

If you can feel you’re in a transitional shift between how you’ve BEEN doing it, but don’t know how to do it differently, shoot me a PM.

Let’s move mountains,


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